The recent reboot of the beloved Disney show, “The Proud Family”, is receiving a lot of backlash due to a rap featured in one of the episodes. The rap features children singing about the history of slavery and reparations in America and the systemic racism, prejudice and white supremacy that still exists today. If you’re looking to understand the controversy behind the song and what it means for the future of Disney programming, keep reading!

The song in the episode of “The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder” reviews the history of Juneteenth and states that “This country was built on slavery, which means slaves built this country.” It goes on to say that “The descendants of slaves continue to build it, slaves built this country and we the descendants of slaves in America have earned reparations for their suffering and continue to earn reparations every moment we spend submerged in a systemic prejudice, racism and white supremacy that America was founded with and still has not atoned for.” This song has sparked a lot of debate about the role of reparations in America, and whether or not they are necessary for healing the wounds of slavery.

The song also claims that “We made your families rich, from the southern plantation heirs to the northern bankers to the New England ship owners, the founding fathers, former presidents, current senators, the Illuminati, the New World Order.” This statement has caused a lot of people to question the role of the government in providing reparations to the descendants of slaves. It also raises the question of whether or not the government should be held accountable for the actions of their predecessors.

The song also states that “Emancipation is not freedom. Jim Crow, segregation, redlining, public schools feeding private prisons where we become slaves again.” This statement has caused a lot of people to question the effectiveness of emancipation and the continued oppression of black people in America. It also brings to light the systemic racism and prejudice that still exists in America today.

The executive producer of the show, Latoya Raveneau, admitted to having a “not-at-all secret gay agenda” in a Disney staff meeting when producing the show. This has caused some people to question whether or not Disney is promoting a certain agenda with their programming.

As you can see, this episode of “The Proud Family” has caused a lot of controversy and debate. It has sparked conversations about the role of reparations in America, the role of the government in providing reparations, and the systemic racism and prejudice that still exists in America today. It has also caused some people to question whether or not Disney is promoting a certain agenda with their programming. This blog post has provided an overview of the controversy surrounding the episode, and it is up to you to decide what you think about it.
