A mother’s story of regret and epiphany is a wake-up call for parents everywhere. In a recent podcast appearance, an anonymous mother of two young boys shared her journey from a “true believer” in transgender ideology to a skeptic who deeply regrets allowing her 4-year-old son to socially transition into a girl identity. She described the epiphany she had as “leaving a cult.”

This mother’s story is a powerful reminder of the importance of taking a step back and critically examining the information we are presented with, especially when it comes to our children. We must be careful to not allow our own beliefs and ideologies to cloud our judgement and lead our children down a path of lies that could have damaging and irreversible consequences.

In her essay “True Believer,” the mother described how she and her wife raised their two young boys as “gender neutral” because they believed they were following the righteous path of “social justice.” When their oldest son, who was 4 years old at the time, asked if he was a boy or girl, they told him he could choose. Six months later, their son declared he was a girl and wanted to be called “sister” and use “she/her” pronouns. Both his mothers affirmed his new transgender identity by allowing him to socially transition.

It was only when their youngest son, who was just three at the time, said that he also wanted to identify as a girl that the mother began to question her own beliefs. She realized that parents, not children, were meant to be in the lead. This mother expressed deep regret for the actions she and her wife took and described the moment she saw her belief in gender identity “as a belief” for the first time as “a pin came out of my head.”

This mother’s story is a stark reminder that we must be careful to not allow our own beliefs and ideologies to cloud our judgement and lead our children down a path of lies that could have damaging and irreversible consequences. We must take a step back and critically examine the information we are presented with, especially when it comes to our children.

Source: www.dailywire.com