What do ducks, echidnas, and snakes have in common? You might be surprised to learn that they all have something to do with the female reproductive system. For centuries, scientists have assumed that most animals don’t have a clitoris. But recent discoveries are uncovering the truth about the sometimes astonishing sex lives of animals and the variety of female genitalia.

Read on to discover the fascinating world of female animal genitalia and why scientists have only recently started to understand it. From corkscrew-shaped duck penises to the four-headed penis of the echidna, and even the two clitorises of snakes, you’ll learn why female sex organs are just as interesting and varied as male ones.

We’ll also explore why the clitoris has been overlooked or missed by scientists for hundreds of years, and why it’s only recently been documented in some lizard species. We’ll look at the research that revealed snakes have two clitorises, located under the tail. We’ll also discuss why clitoris stimulation may increase the chance of baby rabbits, and why it’s linked to higher fertility in cattle.

Finally, we’ll look at the clitoris in other species such as crocodiles and non-human primates. We’ll also explore why the clitoris is so large in the spotted hyaena, and why some male bird species such as the ostrich have a penis while the female ostrich has a clitoris.

So come with us as we explore the sometimes astonishing sex lives of animals and uncover the mysteries of the female reproductive system. You may be surprised at what you learn!

Source: www.iflscience.com