# Mirs-X: An Innovative Quadcopter Drone That Can Fly and Dive

Are you looking for a drone that can fly like a standard quadcopter but also operate underwater? Look no further, because the Mirs-X is here! Developed by Ben Chen at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and his colleagues, this revolutionary device is a prototype quadcopter that can hover for 6 minutes in the air or dive underwater for around 40 minutes. Mirs-X is waterproof at depths of up to 3 metres and moves at up to 2 metres per second in water. In this blog post, you will learn about this innovative and versatile quadcopter drone and why it could be a great tool for engineers and search and rescue teams.

## What is the Mirs-X?

The Mirs-X is a prototype device that weighs 1.63 kilograms and is 38 centimetres wide. It is equipped with four propellers that spin rapidly to generate lift and thrust, allowing it to take off and hover in the air. It is also waterproof and has a waterproof housing to protect its electronics. In addition, the Mirs-X has an on-board computer that enables it to autonomously navigate and control its movements underwater.

## What Can the Mirs-X Be Used For?

The Mirs-X could be used for a variety of applications, including search and rescue missions, engineering inspections, and underwater exploration. Thanks to its ability to fly and dive, it can reach places that would otherwise be inaccessible to traditional drones. It could also be used to explore underwater environments, as it is equipped with a camera and sensors that can detect and monitor water conditions.

## What Makes the Mirs-X Unique?

The Mirs-X is unique because it is the first device of its kind. It is the first quadcopter drone that can both fly and dive, making it a versatile and powerful tool. In addition, it is equipped with advanced sensors and a computer that enables it to autonomously navigate and control its movements underwater. This makes it an ideal tool for engineers and search and rescue teams, as they can use it to explore and monitor hard-to-reach places.

## Conclusion

The Mirs-X is a revolutionary device that could be used for a variety of applications, including search and rescue missions, engineering inspections, and underwater exploration. Thanks to its ability to fly and dive, it can reach places that would otherwise be inaccessible to traditional drones. In addition, it is equipped with advanced sensors and a computer that enables it to autonomously navigate and control its movements underwater. This makes it a powerful and versatile tool that could be used by engineers and search and rescue teams.

Source: www.newscientist.com