Tragedy has struck the Las Vegas tennis community as Ryan Vannah, a beloved and talented 43-year-old tennis player, has passed away after collapsing during a match at Red Rock Country Club. Ryan had been playing in a mixed doubles match when he suddenly dropped to a knee, placed his hands on the court, and then lay down. Despite receiving medical attention for 55 minutes, he was pronounced dead at Summerlin Hospital.
Ryan’s family has a history of high-blood pressure, and it is believed that this played a role in his death. His sister-in-law Catherine had performed CPR, but to no avail. His sister Tami King said, “He took impeccable care of his health. He was so fit. He lifted weights. He looked like a bodybuilder to me. He was huge. We did not see this coming.” His friend Dan Michalski added, “He was a friend to anyone. The whole tennis community is really shaken by this.”
Ryan was an accomplished player, having won the United States Tennis Association 40+ national championship in each of the last two years as part of a doubles team. He was the youngest of four children and is survived by his parents, his three siblings, and 13 nieces and nephews.
The loss of Ryan Vannah is a tragedy for the Las Vegas tennis community, and our thoughts are with his family and friends during this difficult time. Ryan was an incredible player and a great friend, and he will be remembered for his passion for the game of tennis and his kind and caring nature.