As the new White House coronavirus coordinator, Jeff Zients has big shoes to fill. But he starts from a strong position, as evidenced by the recent Washington Post article.

The article dives into Zients’ impressive resume, noting that he has held a number of high-level positions in the Obama administration, including director of the National Economic Council and acting director of the Office of Management and Budget. It also highlights his successful business career, having co-founded two companies and served on the boards of several others.

The article further explains that Zients’ experience in both the public and private sectors make him well-suited for the job of leading the federal government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. He is a “skilled negotiator” and “pragmatic problem-solver” who is not afraid to make tough decisions.

Moreover, the article notes that Zients has the full support of President Biden, who has made it clear that he trusts Zients’ judgment. Biden has also given him unprecedented authority to make decisions and coordinate with government agencies.

In addition, the article points out that Zients has the full backing of the medical and scientific community. He has already met with leading experts and is working with them to develop strategies for containing the virus.

Finally, the article states that Zients is up to the challenge of leading the government’s response to the pandemic. He has the experience, the support of the President, and the backing of the medical and scientific community. It is clear that he is well-positioned to lead the federal government’s response to the coronavirus.
