The tragedy of Officer Gonzalo Carrasco Jr’s death has left the community of Selma, California in mourning. But in the midst of their grief, they have found strength and comfort in one another. This week, Adventist Health staff, Valley law enforcement, first responders, and community members all gathered in a circle to show their solidarity and respect for the fallen officer.
Prayer and faith have been a source of strength for those in mourning. In a show of love and support for the family and police department, white carnations were placed in a vase as a reminder of the community’s prayers and love for Officer Carrasco and his family.
The tragedy of Officer Carrasco’s death has brought the community of Selma together. In the midst of their grief, they have found strength and comfort in one another. Through prayer and faith, they have been able to find the power in community to heal. They have shown their love and support for the family and police department, and have come together to honor the fallen officer.