Miracle of Prayer: The Story of Landen, the Mall of America Survivor

We’ve all heard the stories of people who have survived against all odds, and the story of Landen is no different. On April 12, 2019, Landen, a 9-year-old boy, and his mother, Kari, were out at the Mall of America to meet up with a preschool buddy and his mom. Little did they know that the seemingly normal evening would soon take a devastating turn.

A strange man approached the group, whispering to the little boys. Kari assumed he worked there, and asked him if he was going to turn on the alligator exhibit. He replied, “Oh, no, no, you’re fine. You’re fine.” But then suddenly, the man grabbed Landen and threw him off the third floor balcony, nearly 40 feet below.

Kari was in shock, but she managed to scream, catching the attention of two pediatric nurses nearby. They rushed over and started performing CPR on Landen, and Kari started praying out loud. Miraculously, Landen had a heartbeat, and was rushed to the Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis.

At the hospital, a team of surgeons was standing by. Kari was determined to forgive the man who had done this to her son, so that God could have the space to heal Landen.

The fall had shattered Landen’s wrists, hands, elbows, and femur, and he had suffered injuries to his brain. He underwent many surgeries, setbacks and successes, and Kari’s unwavering faith in the power of prayer was a source of inspiration for many.

After four months, Landen was released from the hospital. His bones had healed, but the injury to his frontal lobe had changed him from a shy, quiet child to one who is now louder and more impulsive.

Kari has come to embrace this new version of her son, and she refuses to be distracted by anything else, including letters from well-wishers or news about the man who was responsible. As for Landen, he doesn’t remember anything about the day of the incident, and is just happy to be “normal”.

This story is a testament to the power of prayer, and the strength of Kari’s faith in the face of such a traumatic event. We can all learn a lesson from Kari and Landen, and be inspired by their courage and resilience.

Source: www.kare11.com