It’s time to break out the party hats and confetti – Bobi, a 30-year-old Rafeiro do Alentejo from Portugal, has been crowned the world’s oldest living dog by Guinness World Records (GWR). This pooch, who has spent his entire life with the Costa family in the village of Conqueiros, has broken an almost century-old record held by Australian cattle dog Bluey, who lived for 29 years and 5 months.

Bobi’s age has been confirmed by the Veterinary Medical Service of the Municipality of Leiria, and SIAC, a pet database authorized by the Portuguese government. His owner, Leonel Costa, was just 8 years old when Bobi was born on May 11, 1992. He never thought of registering Bobi as the world’s oldest dog when he applied for the oldest living dog title, but Bobi has exceeded his life expectancy of 12 to 14 years and made history.

The Costa family are used to long-lived dogs. Bobi’s mother, Gira, lived to the age of 18, and another of the family’s dogs, Chicote, lived for 22 years. But Bobi nearly didn’t make it beyond infancy. When he and his three brothers were born in the family’s woodshed, Costa’s father decided they already had too many animals at home. Costa and his brother thought their parents had taken all the puppies away to be destroyed, but they found Bobi alive, safely hidden in a pile of logs.

Bobi grew up “very sociable,” alongside many other animals, and roamed free in the forests and farmland around the house. Costa puts his pet’s longevity down, in part, to the “calm, peaceful environment” in which he grew up, as well as his taste for human food.

In his old age, Bobi has become less adventurous. He has difficulty walking and sometimes collides with objects as his eyesight has deteriorated. He likes a nap after meals, and spends most of his time hanging out in the backyard with four cat friends. Bobi even had a “big scare” in 2018, ending up in the hospital after collapsing with breathing difficulties. However, regular assessments at the vet’s “have always shown that he is doing well for his advanced age,” Costa said.

So, if you’re looking for tips on how to make your pup live a long, healthy life, the Costa family has it figured out. Just make sure to provide your pet with a calm, peaceful environment, plenty of exercise, and a taste of human food every now and then. Congratulations to Bobi, the world’s oldest living dog!
